Sunday, October 31, 2021

What’s the problem with the traditional plastic factories? And their way out

Traditional plastic factories have been completely exhausted due to keen competition and slim profit, this is not only the point that many factories are hard to live but also they’re causing pollution to the environment which made them become the target of public criticism.

When plastics were invented in the year 1862 by Alexander Parkes, they’re developing them as a synthetic substitute for shellac for waterproofing but they completely ignored that plastics will become big pollution to the earth after plastics were widely utilized globally. 

The first time plastics were born, it was not widely used and many people don’t know it, but later it was used widely and permeated in each corner of people’s lives through the propaganda of the earlier factories and sales. Same as plastics, biodegradable materials are in the earlier stage when plastics were in, but this material is renewable and super fast to biodegrade into carbon dioxide and water when compares with the hundreds of years period required in plastics. 

The biggest plastic factories today were once before the earlier birds to produce plastics when many people even don’t know it, suspect it and considering the price of plastics were too high. The success of these giants owing to the founders of these businesses being willing to take risks and to be the first. Now, with the saturation of plastics in the market, the market of plastics starts to go downhill, the method to solve it is innovation and reduce production costs. For innovation in existing plastics, it turns out big investment very small outcome; for reduction of plastics production cost, it’s already on the brim of extent, thus impossible to do it. The outcome of big plastic factories is either they die or they turn to use biodegradable materials. For using biodegradable materials, here below we list the huge opportunities for it.

1) Compared with big investment very small outcome in plastics in innovation. Using biodegradable materials is already a big leap production innovation, you just change before plastic materials to biodegradable materials, the finished products are new products compared with plastics. This kind of investment is very small but can bring big fruits. Which is more investment favorable than plastics.

2) Biodegradable material itself is very safe and easy to try. All costs are only on the material itself, no need for extra R&D, just producing the product on your existing mold, thus you improved your product essentially from the material itself, not on the surface of product styles. 

3) When we mention plastic pollution it’s not a rumor, it's real. Many plastic producers stay in an idealistic environment, they don’t know how harsh the plastic pollution outside is and its damage to our economy and innocents. If business owners only consider the production cost, their business won’t survive. Why? Because, too many businesses across the world they’re the same plastic producers, all they think it’s also to reduce their production cost too. The plastic market is already saturated. Consumers are demanding new products, and healthier, cleaner, safer, eco-friendly products to use, they’re not the people hundreds of years ago who are starved, suffered from war, they need better products. Producing biodegradable products are a global trend. Don’t ever deny it.

4) They have lesser competition than plastics. Many plastic producers think that their plastic factory is hard to live not to mention to invest in new products. They’re totally wrong. Investing in biodegradable materials is the way to get them out of the bad plastic market quagmire. This is the only way out. Waiting won’t solve it, because the plastic market will turn from bad to worse, only biodegradable products will help them from bad to better. Thus, if any plastic business owners think “I will wait for my current plastic business turn to better, then starting to use biodegradable materials” will be an empty dream. 

5) How big biodegradable markets are? Firstly, visit any supermarket to buy some merchandise see if they give your biodegradable shopping bags (mostly, you’ll get is single-use plastic bag). Secondly, order a take-out meal, see if you received are biodegradable food containers or plastics (of cause, most you will get plastics). Thirdly, buy any juice or milk, see their straws are plastics or biodegradable( of cause, mostly are plastics).

6) Don’t you think plastic food containers are giving out bad smells especially when the food is hot? Yes, definitely they’re influencing your appetite. Every time you throw the used food containers away, they become pollution to the environment. Biodegradable food containers are the better choice, think about how much you pay for the food, biodegradable food container costs are negligible. Biodegradable food containers are a healthier, cleaner choice and they don’t give out bad smells which makes you omit just like plastics. They’re safe to return to our nature.

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